Rumour has it that it is no longer politically correct to call your assistant a secretary. It seems as if secretaries are extinct, and assistants have taken their place.
We may not be able to rename them assistant birds, but we can certainly save our secretary birds from extinction.
Nonetheless, whether a boss, manager, assistant or secretary, you can assist secretary bird conservation this Secretary’s Day (Wednesday 4 September 2013).
In 2011 BirdLife South Africa launched a scientific project to assess and understand what is happening to our secretary birds who were uplisted to globally vulnerable in the same year. Since then they have gained a better understanding of the enormous distances these birds travel after they fledge, as well as the enormous threats facing them due to habitat loss and degradation.
Meet BLiNG. BLiNG hatched late in 2012 at Sondela Game Reserve and was fitted with a tracking device when he was just seven weeks old. BLiNG recently astonished the team at BirdLife South Africa by taking off from his nest site in Limpopo and travelling all the way to Botswana. In three weeks BLiNG travelled no less than 1000 km!
For the first time ever the movements of fledgling secretary birds are being tracked from the time they leave their nests and natal area to the time they settle in a new area – travelling great distances to do so. Their movements are not restricted by political boundaries, which means that efforts to conserve these birds would require international collaboration.
Many questions remain to be answered. Where do they go? Where do they feed? To answer these questions BirdLife South Africa wants to attach devices to at least another eight birds. This Secretary’s Day, honour your assistant by making a contribution to this conservation project. There will be no assistant birds to take their place.
1. Pictured in 1978 2. During his wedding in 1989 at Holy Family Basilica, Nairobi 3. Mzee Jomo Kenyatta with his son. Former President Moi overlooking him. The year is 1965.
President Kenyatta is pictured with his family on arrival at his Gatundu home from Mombasa where he had been on a two-week working holiday on September 7, 1973. His son Uhuru Kenyatta stands next to him
Uhuru Kenyatta and his wife during the 1997 Election campaign
The fitment process was recorded and televised on the television programme 50/50. Soon after this event, the bird was named BLiNG by BirdLife Northern Gauteng, the sponsors of the tracking device. During the following few monthsBirdLife South Africaregularly reported the movements of this bird through social media, print media and radio. BLiNG, a male bird, spent a few months in the vicinity of the nest where he must have learnt to locate food, everything from grasshoppers to small mammals and snakes.
On 26 April 2013 BLiNG left the Natal area and in the next few months surprised everybody when he moved to theMakgadikgadi Pans in Botswana! He settled there for about seven months. During December 2013 BLiNG flew back to South Africa and for short periods was recorded within 20 to 50 km from his nest site. For a few weeks he moved to an area south-east of Pretoria, before moving back to the Waterberg area. During the middle of 2014 he moved further south and spent time in the Soshanguve area, a developed area with a large human population.
BLiNG was observed a number of times as he visited various part of the country. This photo was taken on a farm in the Waterberg area.
On 8 October 2014 BLiNG flew east over the N1 highway to an area called Rynoue, not far from Roodeplaat Dam. Ernst Retief, who monitored the movements of BLiNG, saw that from 13h00 on this day all the satellite location points were from one position, raising concerns that the bird was not well. The next day Ernst searched for BLiNG and after four hours found him dead under a powerline. It appeared as if he had collided with the powerline. His body had been badly burnt during a veld fire.
BLiNG’s last position.
Despite the unfortunate circumstances of BLiNG’s death, some interesting data were obtained during this secretarybird’s life. During the 21 months that he was tracked, 6 481 location points were downloaded; providing a unique opportunity to determine a secretarybird’s habitat preferences. Even the way BLiNG died provides us with an opportunity to highlight the threat of powerlines to large raptors and other birds.
BirdLife South Africa would like to thank BirdLife Northern Gauteng for sponsoring the tracking device and all the people who followed the movements of BLiNG. BirdLife South Africa will continue to monitor the movements of the other tracked secretarybirds and it is hoped that the combined information will assist us to develop the necessary actions to conserve this threatened species!
Jengo hili linatarajiwa kuwa refu kuliko yote Duniania ambayo yamejengwa kwa ajili ya makazi ya watu. World One ipo mjini Mumbai nchini India ambapo matajiri wanatarajiwa kuishi mahali hapo kwa kodi ya dola milioni 1.5 nyumba ya vumba vitatu mpaka vinne. Pamoja na hayo jingo hili litakuwa refu kuliko yote mjini Mumbai ambapo litakuwa na ghorofa 117. Ujenzi wa ghorofa hii unatarajiwa kukamilika 2015
4. Agora Garden Tower
Ni majengo mawili pacha yaliyoshikana,uejenzi wake utakamilika 2016 jijini Taipei nchini Taiwan. Utofauti wake ni kwamba kila sehem ambayo ghorofa inaunganika kutakuwa na bustani za mboga mboga, miti ya matunda na bustani za kupumzika.
3. The Dubai Pearl
Hii ni sehem ya starehe Duniani ambapo wageni wengi toka mabara tofauti husussani Ulaya hufika na kupumzika nchini hapo. Dubai Pearl imezungukwa na maduka mengi ya vitu mbalimbali ambapo ni minara mine ya ghorofa tofauti zilizounganishwa kwa juu. Jengo hili liliaza kujengwa mwaka 2009 na litakamilika 2016 ambapo tamasha la maadhimisho ya filamu kimataifa yatakuwa yakifanyika hapo.
2. Shanghai Tower
Jengo hili liliaza kujengwa 1993 nchini China ambapo lipo katika matengenezo ya mwisho kabla ya kuzinduliwa rasmi 2015. Shanghai Tower ina ghorofa 121 na limeigharimu China kiasi cha dola bilioni 4.2.
1.Kingdom Tower
Jengo hili limeaza kujengwa 2013 mji wa Jeddah nchini Saudi Arabia na linatarajiwa kukamilika 2019. Kingdom Tower lintarajiwa kuwa jingo refu kupita yote Duniani kwa kuwa na ghororfa 157. Ujenzi wa jingo hilo la kisasa unatarajiwa kugharimu dola bilioni 1.2. Ndani ya jingo hili kutakuwa na nyumba za kuishi, ofisi mbalimbali, hoteli kubwa nne za kisasa, pamoja na kituo cha uchunguzi.
Ama kwa hakika duniani kuna mambo! wachuuzi wa kahawa yenye vijimambo ndani yake,ambayo ukiinywa tu basi inakupa mzuka wa kufanya ngono kwa kiwango cha hali ya juu na biashara inawaendea vyema katika mitaa ya Harare nchini Zimbabwe.
Kahawa hiyo huuzwa kati ya dola za kimarekani 3 hadi 5 kwa kifuko kidogo kinachotosha kikombe kimoja cha chai, na bei hiyo itategemea jinsi wewe ulivyo mtaalamu wa kuomba punguzo la bei inaweza kushuka .
Wachuuzi hao wa mitaa ya Harare wamezungumza na kudai kuwa kahawa hiyo huwasaidia wanaume kupata hamu ya kufanya ngono kwa muda mrefu Zaidi,lakini pia humchelewesha mwanaume kupata mshindo kwa muujibu wa utafiti wao.
Pindi tu uinunuapo kahawa hiyo,wachuuzi hao hukupa maelekezo kuwa uinywe dakika 15 kabla ya tukio lenyewe na humpa nguvu mtumiaji ya kufanya ngono kwa saa sabini na mbili,ingawa madai hayo hayajathibitishwa kitabibu.
Wachuuzi hao wameamua kufanya biashara yao katika mtindo wa aina yake,kwa kuiuza kahawa hiyo katika maeneo maarufu nchini Zimbabwe yenye mikusanyiko ya watu kama eneo la KwaMereki kwenye viunga vya bustani ya kitongoji cha Warren, Zindoga eneo lililoko kwenye maporomoko ya maji (Waterfalls) na eneo la vilima la KuHuku .
Kitu cha kuvutia biashara hiyo hufanywa na wachuuzi wa kike wafanyao kazi katika duka kubwa la Fife Avenue Shopping centre wenye kutoa ushuhuda na kukubali kuwa waume zao waliitumia kahawa hiyo na wakayaona matokeo yake nao wakafaidi kwani uwezo wao uliongezeka maradufu.
Ingawa wanawake hao pamoja na kukubali na kutoa ushuhuda huo, bado hawako tayari kuelezea wapi wanakozinunua kahawa hizo za majamboz na kwasasa mjini Harare mahitaji ya kahawa hiyo ni makubwa mno na ni rahisi kuitumia kwani unaweza kuitumia kwa maji moto ama baridi anaeleza muuzaji aliyejitaja kwa jina moja la Anna.
Anna anasema wateja wake wakubwa ni waume kwa wake ingawa wanawake wana aibu kuinunua kahawa hiyo hadharani kuliko wanaume wao hawana aibu pindi wanapotaka kahawa hiyo kwa matokeo mazuri ya kulinda heshima shughulini.
Kwa muujibu wa daktari mmoja nchini Zimbabwe aliyekataa kutajwa jina lake amesema kwamba tatizo la nguvu za kiume nchini Zimbabwe ni kubwa mno kwa wanaume walio wengi na linakua siku hadi siku na kusema ni tatizo kubwa.
How did we get from the automotive past to the automotive present? Forget things like turbochargers and four-valve-per-cylinder engines; that stuff was already old news by the time the Second World War ground to a close. If you want to find the *real* improvements, you have to look deeper.
The automotive world as we know it today is the product of two significant changes that occurred 25 years ago. The first was the implementation of effective and reliable engine control computers, which handle everything from emissions compliance to knock control silently and competently. We take it for granted now that cars start immediately, run perfectly from sea level to the top of Mount Evans, never smoke, stumble, or ping, and return real-world fuel mileage that is often triple that of their 1970s predecessors.
Andrew Trahan
The second advance started around 1992 and it’s known as the “silica miracle”. Replacing some percentage of the carbon black in automotive tires with silica dramatically increases grip and tire life while reducing rolling resistance significantly. The Prius wouldn’t be nearly as amazing without low-rolling-resistance tires, and those tires couldn’t happen without silica.
But you don't need to be a hypermiler to understand why silica is critical. Today’s performance tires are so much better than their 1990-and-before predecessors it’s difficult for younger enthusiasts to truly understand the gap in capabilities. It was once taken for granted that performance cars like the Acura NSX or Porsche 911 ate their tires every five thousand miles and handled like they were on greased roller skates the minute the road became shiny with rain. Without silica tires, the enduro series like the24 Hours of Lemons, ChumpCar, and AER would still have tire changes every two hours.
In fact, today’s automotive tires are so good, it’s possible to use them in ways that were never intended.
They call themselves “Darksiders,” but a better word for them might be heretics. They mostly ride big 800-pound touring bikes, the six-cylinder Gold Wings and cross-continental Beemers, and they log hundreds of thousands of miles on their saddles as they ride “Iron Butts” and swallow states one after another. Many of them have experienced blowouts and major problems from their touring motorcycle tires, particularly when two plus-sized people and a lot of gear are pushing the total load up to the three-quarter-ton mark. All of them are sick and tired, pun intended, of replacing rubber that costs $400 a set on what seems like a seasonal basis.
The Darksiders weren’t the first people to put automotive tires on a motorcycle. That’s been done again and again, most amusingly by the “Big Dog” choppers that had 250mm-width Goodyears on the back wheel. But they were the first people to do it because they expected, and in many cases received, tangible benefits from doing so. One Darksider puts it like so:
If you ride two up, you’ll find that the available moto tire load capacity can easily be exceeded even while remaining within the GVWR... I blame this and the resulting heat on my moto tire failures. The car tires have a much higher load rating and run (in my own experience) about 40% cooler than the moto tires in similar conditions.
So for me, the safety provided by a more capable tire (cooler running/higher load capacity) and the additional safety of Run Flat (RF) capability are the two clear advantages of running a runflat car tire on a GL1800. Other advantages are the smoothing/softer ride which is significantly appreciated by my wife. I have noticed marginally improved mileage but not significantly enough to make it an advantage. The biggest improvement on wear is that my car tires are replaced when the tread wears out versus when the tire deforms after failure like with the moto tire.
Most Gold Wing riders fail to get 10,000 good miles out of their tires, so the 30,000 or more that even the cheapest automotive tires return would be good economics even if the moto tires didn't cost twice as much. Wet-weather traction is also greatly improved, according to the reports of many Darksiders. I want to focus on that for a moment because I think it’s important, and, um, it also explains why you can’t buy any rotary-engined cars anymore.
You see, while those of us who fancy ourselves scientists or engineers like to believe in the romance of the “a-ha” moment and the entirely new idea, the dirty truth of it is that the steady progress made by dedicated effort in a field is usually more important, and more effective, than any single inspiration. Take the rotary engine. It’s a hell of an idea and it has a lot to recommend it. The problem was that only one manufacturer kept developing it after the initial excitement faded, and that manufacturer — Mazda — couldn’t hope to match the sheer volume of engineering prowess being thrown at the piston engine over the same period of time. Thus the piston-engine tortoise catches the rotary hare.
Brendan McAleer
Now back to car tires. The market for automotive tires that are effective in the rain is an order of magnitude greater than the market for touring motorcycle tires that are effective in the rain. Don’t be fooled by the large motorcycle markets in other countries; what they consider to be a “motorcycle” has nothing to do with a Gold Wing. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent developing, testing, and perfecting the wet-weather automotive tire. The touring motorcycle tire, on the other hand, is like the Renesis engine in the RX-8; it has some good ideas, but it can’t hold its own against a fully developed, high-volume competitor.
It stands to reason, therefore, that a car tire would of course be better in the rain than a bike tire. Particularly when used in applications where the weight load is basically automotive; a Gold Wing with heavy passengers weighs as much as a 1976 Civic and has a performance envelope that is considerably greater.
Naturally, not everyone is thrilled about this Darkside business and compelling arguments against ithave been made. But some of these arguments fail to take into account the development gap between car and bike tires. Sure, the cornering loads are way different on a bike tire than a car tire — but what if a car tire is just so much better that it has enough reserve performance in that situation anyway? Remember when Grassroots Motorsports ran a Honda Odyssey against an E-Type around an autocross and the van won? That is the power of continuous development.
The war between the Dark Side and the, um, Light Side is getting more heated. Some group rides are excluding Darksiders. Police are ticketing them. Harsh words are being exchanged and the size of various genitalia is being questioned on all sides. This will get worse before it gets better. At some point, one of the tire OEMs is going to “certify” a car tire for bike use, raise the price twenty percent, and clean up. Depend on it.
Josh Scott
For those of you who don’t give a damn about motorcycle tires — well, you’re not reading, are you? But if you are, here’s the payoff to the car guys. Like it or not, much of the development money and effort in this business is now being thrown at things we find repugnant. SUVs. CUVs. Three-cylinder turbos, CVTs, DSGs, sliding-caliper brakes, tall wagons, battery packs, who knows what. Many of our cherished technologies and designs will fall by the wayside, but the way the surviving technologies and designs function will be considerably more to our liking. Tomorrow's CX-5 might run rings around yesterday's RX-8. Betting against the market might make you money in stocks but when it comes to technology, swimming downstream gets you home fastest and safest.
The idea of car tires on a motorcycle might seem silly, but they once said that about turbodiesel passenger cars, all-wheel-drive sedans, and folding hard tops. In the end, try as we might to resist, we all end up on the Dark Side.
"On average, nine people will have died today because of distracted driving," says Terryl Warner, director of victim services for the Cache County, Utah, district attorney's office. "If these deaths were war victims or plane-crash victims, there would be outrage."
12Number of U.S. states that ban handheld phone use while driving.
Warner has a front-row perspective on the inefficacy of distracted-driving legislation: In 2009, as an attorney in the Cache County DA's office, she helped prosecute one of the country's first manslaughter cases originating from a driver texting behind the wheel. The defendant, 19-year-old Reggie Shaw, killed two people when his SUV swerved into an oncoming sedan as he texted with his girlfriend. Facing a maximum sentence of one year in jail and a $2500 fine on each count, Shaw ultimately served 30 days and was ordered to perform 200 hours of community service.
"It's not like speeding—we have to see them in the act of using their handheld device."
Working on behalf of Leila O'Dell, the wife of victim Keith O'Dell, Warner prodded state politicians into passing one of the toughest distracted-driving laws in the country, with a penalty of up to 15 years in prison. That law was enacted in 2009, and five years later, despite the issue featuring prominently in the national discourse, distracted driving is still an epidemic. Tougher laws are increasingly common, but they may not be the answer. A recent Texas A&M University study found that stiffer fines and penalties may change "visible cellphone use"—meaning drivers might switch to hands-free methods—but there's little evidence that such a move would produce fewer accidents. And Warner believes education has already reached its limits. "You're not going to find anyone who argues that texting and driving is safe," she says. "People know it's dangerous. They know it's wrong."
Enforcement seems like an obvious answer. After all, how many times have you seen some moron bobbing his head between the road and his lap and wondered why a cop hasn't intervened? As it turns out, law enforcement is equally frustrated.
"It's not like speeding—we have to see them in the act of using their handheld device," says one police officer working in the northeastern United States. (All officers spoke to R&T on condition of anonymity and will remain nameless —Ed.) "Can we testify, without a doubt, about the circumstances? If not, we can't write that ticket." Another cop on patrol in the Southeast calls distracted-driving penalties "all but unenforceable," despite the fact that, in his experience, the behavior is "far more dangerous than even a mild DUI." And even when a ticket can be issued, it's still "radioactive," according to the Southeast cop. "We know it could lose in court."
Randy Risling / Contributor / Getty Images
Warner argues that part of the problem remains social perception; distracted driving is widely viewed as wrong, but not as wrong as other behaviors. "If you're ticketed for texting and driving, you're not the social pariah you are if you get a DUI." Another officer we spoke with agrees, especially when it comes to children in the car. "If it's a DUI with kids [in the car], that's a really serious offense. This needs to be the same."
Yet the worst-case scenario is already the same. Warner recently attended a national meeting of survivors of distracted-driving fatalities. "I don't believe those families grieve any less than survivors in the murder cases I've worked," she says. Warner believes the issue is still waiting on a pivotal lawsuit, one where a public or private employee is caught in the act and a government agency or company has to pay millions in damages. When that happens, it will have a trickle-down effect to where the average driver feels it most: the wallet.
"When our insurance rates are jacked up, we'll finally see the change that needs to happen," Warner says. Right now, she adds, "it's costing us lives." "It's not like speeding—we have to see them in the act of using their handheld device."
LICHA ya Jeshi la Polisi Mkoa wa Kinondoni kupitia kwa kamanda wake, Camillius Wambura kutumia nguvu kubwa kukanusha kwamba, hakuna matukio ya utekaji wa watoto wadogo, hasa wanafunzi, lakini matukio hayo YAPO!!
Mama aliyempoteza mwanaye akilia kwa uchungu.
UWAZI LINA CHA KUSHIKA Ili kuliwekea ushahidi suala hilo, Uwazi lina cha kushika mkononi kufuatia wiki iliyopita, wanafunzi wawili wa shule za msingi wilayani Kinondoni ambako Kamanda Wambura anasimamia jeshi lake walipotea na baadaye kuokotwa wakiwa wameuawa. MATUKIO YENYEWE Wanafunzi hao ambao miili yao iliokotwa, mmoja akiwa amenyofolewa sehemu za siri ni Glory William (7), mwanafunzi wa darasa la kwanza Shule ya Msingi Msingwa na Joshua Nicolas (12) wa darasa la saba katika Shule ya Msingi Temboni, zote ni wilayani Kinondoni kwa Kamanda Wambura.
Mama mwingine aliyefiwa akilia kwa uchungu.
MAMA WA GLORY ASIMULIA KWA MACHOZI Akizungumza na mwandishi wa habari hii siku ya tukio, mama mzazi wa Glory, Faminian Gabriel alisema: “Jamani wanaposema hakuna utekaji wa watoto huku sisi wazazi tunalia, si sawa! Nakumbuka siku ya jana (Ijumaa) saa kumi jioni mwanangu Glory alirudi toka shule, nilimkumbatia kwa upendo kisha nikamuacha nyumba ya jirani na mfanyakazi wa ndani. “Mimi niliondoka kwenda kwenye kazi fulani. Niliporudi sikumkuta Glory nyumbani, nilipoulizia nikaambiwa alikuwa na kijana mmoja,” alisema mama huyo.
Waombolezaji wakiubeba mwili wa mmmoja wa watoto waliuwawa.
AFIKA KWA MJUMBE Haikuwa kawaida ya Glory kuwa mbali na nyumbani jambo ambalo lilinitia hofu. Ilibidi nikatoe taarifa kwa mjumbe ambaye tulisaidiana naye kumtafuta lakini bila mafanikio.” SERIKALI ZA MTAA WAAMBIWA, WASHANGAA Baadaye pia nilikwenda kutoa taarifa kwenye ofisi za serikali za mtaa lakini mtoto hakuonekana na wao wakashangaa mazingira ya upoteaji wake.
Baadhi ya waombolezaji wakiendelea na mazishi.
GIZA HADI KUNAKUCHA MTOTO HAJARUDI Mama Glory aliendelea kusema kuwa alikaa macho hadi asubuhi bila kumuona binti yake. Wakati anajiandaa kwenda kutoa taarifa kituo cha polisi sasa, akapata taarifa kwamba kuna mwili wa mtoto umeokotwa mahali. “Baada ya kupewa taarifa hizo, majirani walifuatana na mimi na ndugu zangu hadi eneo la tukio na walipoukagua mwili ukabainika ni mwanangu,” alisema mama huyo huku akilia. MWILI ULIVYOKUTWA, INAUMA! Inaelezwa kwamba, baadhi ya wananchi walipoukagua vizuri mwili huo walitokwa machozi kufuatia kubaini kuwa, hakuwa na sehemu za siri, pia kichwa chake kilionekana kupondwa na tofali, pengine ndilo lililosababisha kifo chake.
Baadhi wanafunzi wakiweka shada la mauwa kwenye kaburi la mtoto aliyeuawa.
KUANDAMANA HADI IKULU YA JK Baadhi ya wazazi waliozungumza na Uwazi kwenye msiba wa mtoto Glory walisikika wakisema wanajipanga kufanya maandamano ya amani hadi Ikulu ya Rais Jakaya Kikwete kumlalamikia kuhusu kukithiri kwa matukio ya utekaji watotohuku jeshi la polisi likisema hakuna kitu kama hicho. ALIVYOSEMA MJUMBE Akithibitisha habari hiyo, Mjumbe wa Serikali ya Mtaa wa Saranga kulikotokea tukio, Samora Costino alisema mauaji ya mtoto huyo yana ushirikina ndani yake na kwamba huyo ni mtoto wa pili kutekwa na kuuawa kikatili. TANGU MACHI TATIZO LIPO Mjumbe huyo alisema mtoto Joshua yeye alitekwa Machi 18, mwaka huu akiwa anatoka shule, akauawa na maiti yake ikatupwa mtoni.
Hili ni kaburi la mmoja wa watoto waliouawa
BABA MZAZI WA JOSHUA AKUMBUKA MACHUNGU Uwazi lilifanikiwa kuzungumza na baba mzazi wa Joshua, mzee Nicolas ambaye alikiri mwanaye huyo kutekwa akitoka shule na kuuawa. Alisema: “Siku hiyo ya tukio mwanangu hakurudi nyumbani kutoka shuleni. Tulimtafuta bila mafanikio hadi kesho yake alipookotwa kwenye mto huko Tabata Mawenzi akiwa ana alama shingoni kuonesha kwamba alipigwa na kunyongwa. “Hata hivyo, muuaji alijulikana lakini cha kushangaza hajakamatwa hadi leo. Pia nawashangaa polisi kwani hata taarifa ya uchunguzi wa kifo sijapewa jambo lililonifanya niamue kwenda Ofisi ya IGP (Ernest Mangu) ambapo kwa sasa mambo yanaendelea vizuri,” alisema mzee huyo.
Marehemu Glory William (7)(kulia) akiwa na wenzake enzi za uhai wake.
KUMBUKUMBU Siku za hivi karibuni jijini Dar es Salaam, watoto, hususan wa shule za msingi wamekuwa wakidaiwa kutekwa na watu wanaosemekana hutumia magari aina yaToyota Noah rangi nyeusi hali inayowafanya wazazi kuwa na hofu.
Baadhi ya shule tayari zimeweka sheria kwamba, wazazi wasiwaache watoto wao kwenda shuleni wenyewe au kupelekwa na watu wasiowaamini.Katika gazeti hili toleo la wiki iliyopita, ukurasa wake wa mbele kulikuwa na habari kubwa yenye kichwa; UTEKAJI WATOTO WATIKISA DAR!
Marehemu Joshua Nicolaus Rubanzibwa enzi za uhai wake.
Katika habari hiyo, tukio moja la ajabu lilitokea Vingunguti, Ilala ambapo gari aina ya Noah lilivamia shuleni na kumteka mwanafunzi mmoja na kutaka kuondoka naye.Hata hivyo, mzazi mmoja alishuhudia kitendo hicho na kupiga kelele hadi watu hao wakamwachia mtoto huyo. Kesho yake, Noah lingine jeusi lilifika kwenye shule ya jirani na ya mtoto wa jana yake kwa lengo la kuzungumza na walimu kuhusu mikopo.Ikadaiwa kuwa, wazazi walipoliona Noah hilo jeusi walilipopoa mawe wakiamini ni lile la jana yake lilirudi tena. Ilibidi Polisi wa Kituo cha Buguruni waitwe kurejesha hali ya amani shuleni hapo