Thursday, 28 August 2014

Best known for SOON STUDENT NAME Jacky ANAYESOMA Institute of Accountancy - ARUSHA AMEVULIWA PUBLICLY CLOTHES AFTER HIS PICTURE (above) distributed on different networks and his girlfriend BROTHER AFTER THE ENVY ULIOMPATA him, Gossip of the town TUMEZINYAKA THESE PHOTOGRAPHS AND INFORMATION FROM ONE OF THE CLOSE OF BEING couple BROTHER WITH THIS SAME KUNYETISHA He did so after learning that his girlfriend Jacky AND GIVES NOT trustworthy partner for someone else.

NOTE TO THESE STUDENTS Doctrine of Antichrist colleges and begin to imitate the style NEW LIFE OR THE URBAN EXTREME pretend your parents !!! MNADHALILISHA OTHERS THEN KUUNGAUNGA money to You You fall here? WHY STOP copying what is wrong We CULTURE OF blowing pornography? Men THESE NUMBERS EVEN IF ONLY ZIFUNGIWE sweetness of dear ones take pictures of the earth? DO YOUR PARENTS WAKIZIONA WATAJISIKIAJE?

WARNING: See photos HERE greatness


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