26 Novemba 2014 Imebadilishwa mwisho saa 16:35 GMT
Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Scientists at the University of Zurich have discovered that DNA can survive the harsh conditions of space and re-entry into the atmosphere. The finding was made by attaching DNA to the outer casing of a rocket, shown launching from the Esrange base in Kiruna, Sweden. It has led to questions about the origin of life on Earth
The research, published online in the journal Plos One, was carried out by scientists from the University of Zurich in Switzerland.
The Texus-49 sub-orbital mission launched from the European base of Esrange in Kiruna, northern Sweden, and was originally intended to study the influence of gravity on the genes of human cells carried inside the rocket.
But scientists decided, in addition, to test the effects space travel has on DNA when carried at three positions on the rocket's outer casing - and found it survived.
Panspermia is the theory that life exists throughout the universe and is spread by asteroids and comets, in addition to simply drifting through the cosmos.
Panspermia proposes life forms that can survive the effects of space, such as extremophiles, become trapped in debris that is ejected into space after collisions between asteroids and planets that harbour life.
These life-forms may travel dormant for an extended amount of time before colliding randomly with other planets or intermingling with protoplanetary disks.
If met with ideal conditions on a new planet's surface, the bacteria become active and the process of evolution begins, it is believed.
Many scientists believe comets may have brought organic building blocks of life such as amino acids to the Earth early in its history.
But some go further and suggest that DNA, the essential molecule of life itself, could reach the Earth in meteoric dust, 100 tonnes of which hit the planet each day - a theory known as panspermia.
During the experiment, around 53 per cent of the DNA was recovered from the grooves in screw heads, and more than a third remained fully functional.
The 'plasmid' DNA carried genes for fluorescence and antibiotic resistance.
It was shown to function by conferring antibiotic resistance to bacteria, and driving a flourescent marker in nucleated cells.
Dr Cora Thiel, one of the scientists from the University of Zurich, said: 'We were completely surprised to find so much intact and functionally active DNA.'
Professor Oliver Ullrich, from the same university, added: 'This study provides experimental evidence that the DNA's genetic information is essentially capable of surviving the extreme conditions of space and the re-entry into Earth's dense atmosphere.'
The Texus-49 sub-orbital mission launched from the European Esrange Space Center (shown on map) and was originally intended to study the influence of gravity on the genes of human cells carried inside the rocket - but the surprising DNA discovery is likely to spark considerable attention
The type of DNA carried by the rocket was known as 'plasmid DNA' (stock image shown). This carried genes for fluorescence and antibiotic resistance. It was shown to function on its return to Earth by conferring antibiotic resistance to bacteria, and driving a flourescent marker in nucleated cells
The research also suggested that scientists conducting space missions to other planets needed to be careful about contamination.
Proffesor Ullrich said: 'The results show that it is by no means unlikely that, despite all the safety precautions, space ships could also carry terrestrial DNA to their landing site.
'We need to have this under control in the search for extraterrestrial life.'
Back in August, traces of plankton and other microorganisms were found living on the exterior of the International Space Station (ISS) by Russian cosmonauts.
They claim the plankton were not carried there at launch - but are thought to have been blown there by air currents on Earth.
Incredibly, the tiny organisms were found to be able to survive in the vacuum of space despite the freezing temperatures, lack of oxygen and cosmic radiation.
Some said the plankton may simply have been contamination from other areas of the ISS.
Nonetheless, the discovery appeared to prove extremely primitive life could survive in the harsh environment of space.
And, coupled with this latest research, the finding raises interesting questions about the origin of life on Earth.
Many scientists believe comets may have brought organic building blocks of life such as amino acids to the early Earth. But, some go further and suggest DNA, the essential molecule of life itself, could reach the Earth in meteoric dust from elsewhere in the universe (stock image shown) - a theory known as panspermia
Back in August, traces of plankton and other microorganisms were found living on the exterior of the International Space Station (ISS) (pictured) by Russian cosmonauts. They claim the plankton were not carried there at launch - but are thought to have been blown there by air currents on Earth
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2850726/Scientists-left-shocked-DNA-survives-journey-space-findings-raise-questions-origins-life-Earth.html#ixzz3KFTdSlzS
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MZIGO umelindwa na Wajumbe yenyewe usiku mzima...hongereni sana watetezi wetu.

Kuna mambo hapa chini kwenye hii CV kidogo yananipa shida. Naomba wadau mliosoma zamani mnisaidie. Je, miaka ya nyuma elimu ya msingi ilikuwa miaka mitatu?
Huyu mama Dr.Lwakatare alisoma Ifakara Girls Primary School
alianza mwaka 1962 na kumaliza 1965. Pia nisaidieni; Je, elimu ya sekondari A level ilikuwa mwaka mmoja? Maana yeye CV yake inaonesha Korogwe Girls' HighSchool A-Level Education alianza 1970 na kumaliza 1971 HIGH SCHOOL.
Degree miaka ya nyuma zilikuwa zinasomwa kwa miaka mingapi? maana yeye alisoma mwaka mmoja tu Eastern & Southern Africa Management Institute BA(Mass Communication) alianza mwaka 1982 na kumaliza.
Huyu mama Dr.Lwakatare alisoma Ifakara Girls Primary School
alianza mwaka 1962 na kumaliza 1965. Pia nisaidieni; Je, elimu ya sekondari A level ilikuwa mwaka mmoja? Maana yeye CV yake inaonesha Korogwe Girls' HighSchool A-Level Education alianza 1970 na kumaliza 1971 HIGH SCHOOL.
Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Ni habari ya kusikitisha sana kupata taarifa hizi kwa kila mwenye moyo wa binadamu. Mtoto huyu ambaye alioneshwa akiteswa na house girl katika video iliyorekodiwa kwa siri na camera iliyotegeshwa sebuleni amefariki dunia. Mtoto alivunjika mbavu kutokana na kukanyagwa sehemu ya mbavu zake. Hivi leo tu tulipost video inaonesha jinsi ambayo mtoto huyu alikuwa akilazimishwa kula wakati akilishwa chakula kwa namna ya kikatili, na kishwa kupigwa na kukanyagwa mara tu alipotapika kutokana na kulishwa chakula kingi na kwa haraka. Hizi ni habari za kusikitisha sana mtoto mzuri kama huyu malaika asiye na makosa kukatizwa maisha yake kwenye mazingira kama haya. Mwandishi wetu anazidi kusisitiza juu ya umakini kwa wazazi na walezi wote kuwa makini katika kuwafahamu vizuri watu wanaowaachia watu wanaowaachia majukumu ya kuwalea watoto wao. Ni vyema kujipatia uhakika juu ya tabia za wasaidizi hawa wanaofanya kazi ya kushinda na kulea watoto wetu wakati wote ambao tunakuwa katika majukumu mengine ya kila ili kuweza kuendesha maisha yetu.
Ni kweli kwamba hatuwezi kufanya haya majukumu wenyewe bila usaidizi wa mabinti wa kazi. Wao ni muhimu na msaada mkubwa katika kuhakikisha kwamba watoto wanabaki salama na shughuli nyinginezo zinaendelea kama kawaida katika kuendesha maisha ya yetu na familia kwa ujumla. Lakini imetupasa kuwa makini kutokana na matukio kadhaa ya ukatili wa jinsi hii kwa watoto. Ni vyema kujua kwa undani tabia na mazingia ambayo msaidizi huyu amelelewa na kukua, na kupafahamu mahali anapotokea na ndugu zake.
Kama hukuona video ambayo ilikuwa ikionesha alichofanyiwa mtoto huyu ali mpaka anafariki dunia tazama hapa chini na uchukue hatua.

Kiungo wa Yanga, Haruna Niyonzima amezushiwa kifo na mtu asiyejulikana.
Kiungo huyo mchezeshaji raia wa Rwanda, amezushiwa kuwa ameumia vibaya na baadaye kupoteza maisha katika ajali hiyo ya gari.
Habari hizo zimesambaa kwa kasi leo kuanzia alfajiri huku watu mbalimbali wakipiga simu kwenye blog hii na kuandika ujumbe wakitaka kujua nini tatizo.
Juhudi za kumpata Niyonzima zilifanyika na yeye akaeleza kuwa na taarifa hizo zilizomshangaza.
"Kwa kweli hata mimi imenishangaza, huyu mtu ambaye anaweza kuibuka na kusema maneno asiyoyajua.
"Niko nyumbani ninaumwa, sasa huyo mtu anayesema nimepata ajali ya gari wakati hata nyumbani sijatoka.
"Imenishangaza sana kwa kweli na hiki si kitu kizuri, ila ninamshukuru Mungu," alisema Niyonzima ambaye ni mtaratibu kitabia.
Credit. Salleh Jembe.com
Credit. Salleh Jembe.com

Imetokea nchini India baada ya mama mmoja kujifungua mtoto mwenye miguu minne na mikono minne huku akipokelewa na wenyeji kwa furaha kubwa na kuitwa ‘Mungu Mvulana’
Mtoto huyo amepewa jina la ‘Mungu Mvulana‘ kwa kuwa kuzaliwa na viungo kama hivyo si jambo la kawaida na huchukuliwa kama mfano wa Mungu kwa jamii za kihindu na watu walisafiri kutoka kona mbalimbali za nchi hiyo kwenda kumshuhudia mtoto huyo wa maajabu.
Mtoto huyo amepewa jina la ‘Mungu Mvulana‘ kwa kuwa kuzaliwa na viungo kama hivyo si jambo la kawaida na huchukuliwa kama mfano wa Mungu kwa jamii za kihindu na watu walisafiri kutoka kona mbalimbali za nchi hiyo kwenda kumshuhudia mtoto huyo wa maajabu.
Friday, 21 November 2014

"When a guy gets protective over you I swear that eish right there is dope. I think it's super adorable, intruders get your level, " were Zari's words two days back and now just hours after splitting;
"Stress comes from trying to maintain a positive attitude in the midst of negative people. God didn't give me the spirit of fear & you're not going to give me your spirit of negativity. Mistakes make you wiser, heartbreak makes you stronger, & wrong turns often take you to the right place. It all serves a purpose. Sometimes bad things bring about good change..sometimes little decisions alter the big picture."
Just in case you are not aware, Zari and Farouk are no more. The couple split yesterday and Ruth Kalule, Farouk's other gal is the reason behind their splitting. Zari is now waiting for the right man "This is a blow, I trusted him you know, I thought he could be different but you all men are crap. But I have faith, my guy is out there somewhere, he will come the right time."

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Tatu Ikoko akiwa katika hali ya kuvurugwa baada ya kumfuma mumewe na hawara.
“Alitoka usiku mzima akarudi saa moja asubuhi akamkuta bwana’ke yuko na mwanamke mwingine ndani, akaanzisha vurugu, akavua nguo na kubaki na kanga moja na kuanza kupita mtaani huku akisema nivue nisivue na watu wakawa wanamuitikia vua.
“Baada ya hapo tu watu wazima na mashosti zake walimshika na kumsitiri, akaja bwana’ke akamchukua wakaenda nyumbani kwao,” kilisema chanzo hicho.
Chanzo kiliendelea kufunguka kuwa tukio hilo siyo mara ya kwanza kwa mwanamke huyo kwani alishawahi kufanya hivyo akiwa na mwanamume mwingine aliyejulikana kama Kisiso mtaani hapo na waliachana kwa tabia hiyo.
“Akiwa na mwanaume halafu akamfumania, ndiyo huwa anafanya hivi na yule mshikaji wa kwanza kwa aibu ilibidi ahame, sasa hivi anaishi Mbagala,” kilisema chanzo hicho.imeandikwa na shani ramadhani na mayasa mariwata.
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