Wednesday 8 October 2014

Obama and Michelle Wedding Photos

Obama and Michelle Wedding Photos
Here are Barack and Michelle Obama's weddding , anniversary and other memorable photos that you will simply love. We did.
Barack Obama Wedding Photos

Barack Obama is well known to the people of Kenya not only for being the first African American president of the United States but also for his roots which can be traced back to the small village of Kogelo in Kenya. Born of a Kenyan father, Barack Obama is beloved to many in Kenya. 
Barack Obama Wedding Photos
Barack and Michelle Obama tied the knot in Chicago on 31st of October 1992; President Obama wore a crisp tuxedo and Michelle looked stunning in a lovely off-shoulder gown with a sweetheart neckline. Michelle looked beautiful as always! 
Barack Obama Wedding Photos
Here they posed with their bridal party looking elegant in black – notice the gentleman on the far left working his African attire? 
And some more photos from Barack and Michelle from back in the days...

We just had to bring you more photos of this adorable couple; 
Barack Obama Wedding Photos

In this photo, Michelle Obama dances close with Barack, their smiles lighting up their faces. We love Michelle’s one-strapped gown and Barack looks dashing in his tuxedo.
Barack Obama Wedding Photos
This shot taken during the early years with their daughters Sasha and Malia is just picture perfect ; Michelle looks beautiful and it is clear where the girls get their beauty from.
Michelle and Obama Photos
We could not leave out this photo where Michelle, ever the style icon, is wearing a beautiful green dress and a pearl necklace. 
See Photos of Michelle's great sense of Fashion here 
Michelle and Obama Photos
Looking glamorous in black , President Barack and Michelle Obama pose for a photo during a visit to the Queen of England
Michelle and Obama Photos
We end with this feature with this family portrait and  we feel honoured to have witnessed this amazing husband , father and leader during our lifetime


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